Tuesday 18 November 2008

Norris Abuse Is Unfair

Following his 'handcuff' celebration against Blackpool, Ipswich Town midfielder David Norris was subjected to a barrage of abuse last weekend.

Ipswich were playing away against Doncaster Rovers, and the home support did not miss the opportunity to goad Norris about his actions. Boos could be heard every time he touched the ball as well as the chant "Friend of a murderer". This treatment cannot simply be brushed off as part and parcel of the game. 

What Norris did was at worst extremely naive and there was never any malice intended in his actions. The gesture regardless of whether it was right or wrong was done to show support for his friend. This was perhaps not the best method of doing so, but everyone makes mistakes. 

It seems some people believe that footballers should be above this, that every mistake on or off the field can and should be heavily scrutinised. Those people should remember that a talent for football does not make them any less human. Hopefully, those who abused Norris will realise this and allow him to put the incident behind him, sooner rather than later.


Chris Powers said...

i agree entirely, as the short celebration was ONLY intended for his friend. The mistake perhaps is the fact it was such a public gesture, (but if it was private then his friend would not have seen the 'message') that being said, footballers are not immune from mistakes. just have a look at McCormack...

Steven Frazer Miller said...

The trouble is that such players' antics are pounced upon by the newspaper picture editors and news editors.

A momentary gesture, perhaps made fleetingly and in haste, is magnified by mass media coverage and becomes a major issue and a talking point.